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Essential oils


An essential oil is the volatile odorous fraction extracted from plants. It is ultimately the concretized scent of a plant. It can be extracted from different parts of a plant (leaves, flowers, bark, wood, zest, seeds, bulb, etc.).

Some of these essential oils have extraordinary properties: antiseptic, anti-infectious, antiviral, anti-pain, healing... but also relaxing, soothing, regenerating... In short, each oil has its role and its multiple actions!


Choosing an organic essential oil means you can be sure that it does not contain pesticides or fertilizers, which are harmful to our health. The organic production method guarantees the preservation of our environment for future generations.


En pratique, je fais comment ?

Pour apporter une atmosphère particulière à mon espace de vie ou de travail : 

Diffusez une HE qui vous correspond à l'aide d'un diffuseur ou d'une bougie parfumée.

            Relaxantes : Lavande / Camomille

            Energisantes : Citron / Orange douce / Pamplemousse

            Stimulantes : Ylang ylang / Néroli 

            Purifiantes : Tea tree / Eucalyptus radié / Menthe poivrée

            Parfums fleuris : Néroli / Géranium rosat

            Parfums frais et boisés : Pin sylvestre / Cèdre

En prévention, contre les petits maux de l'hiver ?

HE de Citron + HE de Ravintsara + HE d'Eucalyptus radié : Mélangez à parts égales et diffusez ce mélange dans votre espace de vie ou/et de travail.

Sinusite, otite, angine ?

HE d'Eucalyptus radié : Appliquer une goutte en massage au niveau des sinus, de la gorge ou autour des oreilles.

Rhume ? 

HE de Menthe poivrée + HE Eucalyptus radié + HE de Niaouli : Disposez 3 gouttes de chaque HE sur un coton (ou un mouchoir) et inhalez ce mélange plusieurs fois par jours.

Grippe ?

HE de Ravintsara + HE Eucalyptus radié + HE Tea tree : Appliquez 3 gouttes de chaque HE dans le bas du dos, le long de la colonne vertébrale et sur le thorax.

Douleurs ? (entorse / coup / arthrose / courbatures...)

HE de Gaulthérie + HE de Lavandin super + HE de Menthe poivrée : Mélanger 3 gouttes de chaque HE dans une noisette d'huile végétale (d'Arnica de préférence) ou de crème hydratante. Massez la zone douloureuse 3 à 4 fois par jour.

Piqûre (moustiques, araignées, guêpes, méduses...) ?

HE de Lavande vraie : Appliquez une goutte sur la piqûre le plus vite possible. A renouveler dès que la démangeaison revient.

Indigestion, nausées, mal des transports ?

HE de Menthe poivrée : Appliquez une goutte en massage sur le torse.

Attention, cette HE est très concentrée. Elle est toxique pour les bébés et jeunes enfants.

Stress intense ? crise de panique ?

HE de Petit Grain de Bigarade : Appliquez 1 goutte sur l'intérieur de chaque poignet. Frottez vos poignets l'un contre l'autre et respirez profondément en portant vos poignets vers votre visage.

N'hésitez pas à allier les vertus des huiles essentielles et celles des pierres naturelles !

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Pierres naturelles

natural stones

Natural and semi-precious stones are of course highly appreciated for their deep colors, elegance and beauty. However, they have many virtues and properties. Each stone will provide you with different energy, radiance and protection.

These are natural products and each stone is unique. The color, shape and size may vary from one stone to another.

Lithotherapy falls within the framework of alternative energy therapies, it does not replace so-called modern medicine. For any medical problem, you should consult your doctor.

The choice of a natural stone can be made according to your deep character or simply your desire of the moment. There is no right or wrong choice of stone...

If you are hesitant about the choice of stone, simply let yourself be guided by your instinct, its color, your emotion when you look at it.


Guide to the virtues of stones : 

Agate : it is the stone of serenity and anchoring. It invites emotional, physical and intellectual balance. It strengthens self-confidence and allows you to move forward..

Aquamarine : This stone, with its soothing side, helps the mind to relax and brings positive thoughts. This stone is an excellent stress reliever, it facilitates gentle communication and strengthens listening to others. Its vibrations reduce anxiety and provide peace, calm and serenity. It combats lack of self-confidence, brings clairvoyance and inner peace. It is strongly recommended for anxious and stressed people.

Amethyst : it is the stone of wisdom and humility. It promotes spiritual elevation, concentration and meditation. It stimulates imagination, creativity, clarity of mind, serenity. Amethyst also soothes anxiety and anger.

Amazonite : It’s the stone of the Amazon warriors! Amazonite strengthens the immune system and protects against electromagnetic waves by absorbing them. It improves the management of emotions and brings courage to move forward and overcome obstacles.

Aventurine : it is the stone of optimism. It brings good humor and the strength to fight against your fears. Aventurine is very useful for people always living under stress.

Beryl : it is a stone with gentle virtues, used both for children and adults. It is divided into 6 varieties of stones:

  • aquamarine : pale green to blue color ; 

  • bixbite : intense red color (very rare stone) ; 

  • emerald : intense green color ; 

  • heliodor : pale yellow to yellow-orange color;

  • morganite : pale pink to salmon pink color ; 

  • goshenite : colorless.  

Beryl stones have a gentle energy that restores joy and promotes a positive outlook on life. It helps you make a (new) start in life with peace and stability.

Citrine : This is the stone of abundance. It promotes well-being and reduces stress. It spreads the joy of living and attracts abundance and luck.

Rock crystal : it promotes memory, imagination, intuition and clairvoyance. Rock crystal brings inner wisdom and serenity.

Hematite : it’s the stone of shamans! It protects the aura from all negative energies and restores peace and harmony to the body. It helps shy people, improves self-respect, strengthens willpower and reliability and communicates confidence. It also stimulates concentration and consolidates memory. It is worn in contact with the skin.

Labradorite : it is a stone of protection that absorbs all surrounding negative energies. Freed from these polluting energies, the mind becomes positive and balanced.  This stone is recommended for caregivers and people with empathy. It allows them not to get too emotionally involved in their pain and provides them with understanding.

Labradorite fights effectively against anxieties, irrational fears and anxiety. It soothes its wearer and gives them serenity. It exudes a feeling of well-being and calm. The mind can escape into peaceful dreams. Its energy, both radiant and warm, develops feelings of happiness, joy and peace

It is a stone of opening to others. It is ideal for people suffering from complexes and shyness. It generates a certain assurance and better self-confidence. It encourages compassion, understanding and love for others. She also helps single people feel better.

Lapis Lazuli : it is the stone of creativity. It stimulates the intellectual, creativity, imagination, ingenuity and finesse of mind. A symbol of strength and power, it nevertheless radiates gentleness, tenderness and benevolence. This stone purifies the soul and helps the being who wears it to be in harmony with their life and themselves.


Malachite : it is the stone of energy and vitality. It brings hope and serenity. It helps combat stress and anxiety.  It makes you want to have projects and carry them out. It allows you to overcome the difficulties of life. This stone is a real moral support. It encourages change and improves connections with others. It allows you to open up to others, to strengthen compassion and empathy. The person demonstrates listening and understanding. The dialogues and relationships are of quality. Malachite improves the power of persuasion by providing clear, concise and structured speech. It also helps develop self-confidence and self-esteem. This stone radiates powerful positive waves. Placed in a bedroom, it helps chase away dark thoughts and generates restorative and soothing sleep. It fights effectively against states of intense sadness. 

Black obsidian : it is one of the most powerful protective stones in Lithotherapy. It acts quickly and with great force. It helps protect against negative energies by acting as a shield. On a psychological level, it brings a very important energy which allows you to find inner peace and calm of the soul.

Tiger's eye : it is the protective stone par excellence from negative influences. It reflects the negative towards its transmitter. It also restores self-confidence and helps control your emotions.

Onyx : it is a real protective shield. It purifies karma and heals wounds from a past life. It allows you to have perfect self-control and to demonstrate responsibility, to be able to take your destiny into your own hands.

Lava stone: it is the stone of inner strength and resilience. Lava stone is a powerful grounding stone. It helps us become aware of the present moment and its importance.

Quartz rose : It’s the stone of love ! It strengthens feelings of love, tenderness and softens hard hearts. It also brings peace.

Rhodonite : It is the stone of love, tenderness, sincerity, compassion and mutual understanding. It is a balancing, protective and restorative stone. It calms stress and overflow of emotions, brings tenderness and gentleness and helps to overcome emotional wounds and emotional trauma linked to the past. It also promotes meditation and relaxation and helps balance emotions and boost self-confidence.

Tourmaline : it is a stone of anchoring and protection, particularly against electromagnetic waves. It rids the body of its toxins and helps to refocus.

Kunzite : It is a soft stone, used both in children and adults. It acts directly on the negative effects of stress by providing an effect of relaxation and increased concentration. It has the power to neutralize negative waves acting on stress and life's fears. Kunzite allows you to better control your emotions and deal with stress in a much more serene way.

You can combine the virtues of essential oils and those of natural stones!

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